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    111 North Bridge Road
    #20-05 Peninsula Plaza
    Singapore 179098
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Most frequent questions and answers

We do not have a standard price list as we believe all projects are unique. We would need more details about your project like what kind of retouching is required (brief, sample image, references, moodboard, storyboards), quality expectations, timeline, usage and deliverables expected.


Our goal is to keep prices fair while providing exceptional value, so you pay for exactly what you want and not more than what you need done.

We would be glad to help! We do offer expedited timings for rush projects at a fee. Get in touch with us with your project details and dates so we can discuss further.

Retouching is quite a time-consuming and tedious process that might take time away to focus on main areas of your business, honing your craft and building better relationships with your clients. It might also affect your turnaround time to go on to the next job or project.


It also has demanding and pricey requirements on software and hardware. Software would include most up to date Photoshop, resources, plugins to make workflow efficient, backend interface to facilitate feedback and revisions for projects. Hardware would cover having a professional hardware calibrated monitor, high-end processor speed and a color calibrator such as X-rite.

Fast turnaround times while keeping standards in the quality of the retouching.


Get the best talent for your genre of photos – editorial, fashion, products, portraits, composites, advertising campaigns, KOL social media

We work on advertising campaigns (ATL/BTL OOH ads), editorials (magazine fashion spreads and covers), e-commerce, social media, lifestyle and product / still life. 

Yes, we do upres / upsize image file to bigger sizes while maintaining image quality as much as possible. This, of course, would depend on the source image which we would need to take a look at to advise.


Get in touch

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Say hello! Drop us a line through the form below.

Contact Info

  • Address
    111 North Bridge Road
    #20-05 Peninsula Plaza
    Singapore 179098
  • Do you have a project in mind?
    Reach out to us and share the details so we can quote you based on your needs.
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